Mattermost Policies

As with any technology at UBC, the usual policies apply around privacy, respectful environment, and copyright. Please consider including these policies when introducing your students to Mattermost.

Privacy Policy

The Mattermost application server is hosted at UBC on EduCloud, and uploaded files are stored in Canada on Amazon S3. It is fully FIPPA compliant.

Respectful Environment

All members of the UBC community are entitled to a respectful environment. If you experience communications or interactions you feel are harmful to a respectful environment, let your instructor know. Please read the UBC Statement on Respectful Environment for more information, or read the FAQs for Students. It’s nice to be nice!

Copyright Notice

Use of Mattermost must comply with Canadian copyright laws. Uploading and posting content from copyrighted works requires authorization under the Copyright Act or authorization from the copyright holder. Please be mindful of this before uploading files, even in private chats.

Copyright Guidelines for UBC Faculty, Staff and Students: