Learning Design Primer

Elements of Design

At LDDI, we move beyond the course content “putting things online,” and focus on how students best learn. While we cannot design learning itself, we can design FOR learning. This series of resources provide guidance on major elements of designing for learning, including writing learning outcomes, constructive alignment and designing assessments, formative activities and learning materials. We strive to work with instructors and create engaging learning experiences for the students while they connect with the course content.

Read more about Elements of Design.

Design Frameworks

Models of Instructional / Learning / Educational design can guide the work involved in creating great learning experiences. At LDDI, we use an expanded version of the ADDIE model, which includes the basic aspects of Backwards Design.

Read more about Design Frameworks.

Course Modalities

Courses can be offered in many different ways, on a spectrum from face-to-face to blended to fully online, with a variety of tools and teaching strategies used to support each learning experience.

Read more about different course modalities.