Process and Schedule

Developing a high-quality online course requires collaboration between the course writer, instructional design team, media specialists, the library, and the Copyright Office.

The process usually begins with a proposal from the Department (with an approval of the Department Head) to the Assistant Dean, Dr. Mark Edwards (PDCE) and the Senior Manager, Dr. Natasha Boskic (ETS). After the confirmation that this course aligns with the strategic priorities of the Faculty of Education and the review of the proposed budget, the proposal is then forwarded to the ETS unit. Please see the complete process map for online course revision approval (535k, .PDF).

Course revision budget template (17k, .xlsx)

Course revision proposal form

After the required approvals, the next step is to schedule a meeting between the following group of people:

  • The course writer. The writer is often, but not always, also the course
  • Senior Manager, Educational Technology Support (ETS), who manages and coordinates the course development process;
  • Instructional Designer and Media Specialist (ETS), who provides instructional support, including the development of rich media;
  • Learning Technology Specialist (ETS), who works on course development and the best tool selection and application.

Other participants in the meeting may include:

  • An Academic Reviewer (assigned by the Department), or a Program Coordinator
  • Any other person important to the project development

People working behind the scenes are:

  • Senior Digital Media Developer: building the course in LMS and troubleshooting technical problems;
  • Copyright Office: clearing the copyright of material used in the course, such as published illustrations and videos;
  • Education Library: troubleshooting issues related to online readings in the Library Course Reserve. (604-822-0996);
  • Senior Program Assistants, Professional Development and Community Engagement (PDCE): providing administrative support to instructors and students;
  • A number of students, assistants or experts: assisting with the graphic design, audio and video material production, etc.